Balkan solidarnosti a NE! Balkan nacionalizma
Kraljevo je početkom novembra 2010. pogodio zemljotres koji je imao intenzitet na koji ovaj deo Balkana nije naviknut. Ovaj zemljotres je ionako ekonomski inferiornu i zavisnu opštinu gurnuo u još tragičniju krizu sa dalekosežnim posledicama. Potpuna nebriga lokalnih vlasti i vladajuće vrhuške sa Terazija za stanovnike ove pitome opštine u srcu Republike Srbije je načinilo njene građane itekako očajnim. Ima li ičega čime se Kraljevo može pohvaliti u prethodnih dvadesetak godina? Kada bi se pozabavili istorijom grada čiji smo očevidci bili setili bi se samo par stvari. Na ’’prvu loptu’’ bi se prisetili prkosa koji je ovaj grad imao prema režimu Slobodana Miloševića. Kraljevo je bilo jedan od prvih gradova u kome je opozicija trijumfovala na izborima 1996/97. godine a nakon stupanja na snagu Lex specialis-a jedan od prvih gradova gde je SPS izgubio vlast. Maltene je ceo grad disao za promene i odlazak Slobodana Miloševića sa vlasti. Revolt prema Miloševiću je pokazan već 1993. kada se malo ko usudio da mu pokaže zube. Dvadeset godina kasnije na vlasti su ljudi za koje je Kraljevo godinama bilo na ulicama po kiši, snegu, vetru. Nije se postavljalo pitanje zašto niti za koga se meseci provode na trgu i ulicama. Nakon promena 2000. godine građani Kraljeva su zbog tranzitornih kretanja skliznuli u dramatično siromaštvo. Lokalna vlast se x puta smenjivala a ponajviše se bavila prepucavanjima da li je 14. oktobar zaista potrebno obeležavati u spomen parku pošto to itekako smrdi na ’’komunjarsku mračnu prošlost’’. Kada vlast nema poštovanja prema mrtvima na čijim kostima počiva naš voljeni grad kako će poštovati nas koji smo polu-živi i na ivici egzistencije. Kako Tanjug javlja pomoć stiže sa svih strana a efekta nema. Nešto je trulo u Kraljevo City-u. Izgleda da je tako. Oseća se specifični miris truleži i licemerija. Boris, Ivica i Mirko su došli, slikali se i otišli. Njihov drugar Tijanić je par dana u skladu sa onom narodnom svakog čuda za tri dana dosta na javnom servisu emitovao snimke iz Kraljeva. Ubrzo je televizija zaboravila na Kraljevo i Kraljevčane. Kako je sada na Tijanićevom servisu poplava u zapadnoj Srbiji u fokusu, tema zemljotresa u Kraljevu polako biva pokrivena medijskom prašinom. Dragi moji Kraljevčani ostavljeni ste sami sebi na milost i nemilost. To je realnost koja je zadesila grad u kome smo rođeni. Kako je nebriga o Kraljevu koje je razoreno zemljotresom postala evidentna odlučili smo da pokrenemo akciju ’’Balkan solidarnosti a NE! Balkan nacionalizma’’. Naša ideja je da u ovom bezdušnom vremenu tranzicije i miksa surovog kapitalizma koji je izgrađen na temeljima feudalističkih shvatanja i sveprisutne mržnje i nacionalizma pokažemo da na Balkanu još žive ljudi čiji umovi nisu kontaminirani košmarnim dešavanjima od 1990. na ovamo. Upravo ti ljudi nisu dozvolili da se mržnja uvuče u njihova srca u kojima ima mesta za sve ljude sa ovog devastiranog područija bez obzira na razlike u veri, boji kože ili nacionalne pripadnosti.
In early november of 2010 city of Kraljevo was hit by earthquake with
intesity not too common for this part of Balkans. Already economically
inferior and dependent, municipality of Kraljevo was pushed by
earthquake into even more tragic crisis with far-reaching
consequences. The complete lack of care of local authorities and
governing elite from Terazije for residents of this gentle
municipality in the heart of Republic of Serbia made it's citizens
very desperate. Was there anything in the past twenty years in
Kraljevo to commend? If we would look at history of this city,
history we've eyewitnessed, we would probably remember only a few
thing. On first thoughts we would remember defiance which this city
showed against regime of Slobodan Milosevic. Kraljevo was one of the
first cities in which opposition triumphed on the elections in
1996./1997., and after introducing lex specialis it was one of the
first cities where SPS (Socialist party of Serbia) lost power. Almost
entire city was breathing for change and Milosevic leaving power.
Revolt against was shown already in 1993. in the times when only few
dared to show their teeth. Twenty years later, power is in hands of
people for whom Kraljevo was for years in the streets on rain, snow
and wind. It was never questioned for whom and why months were spent
on squares and streets. After changes in 2000. due transition reforms,
citizens of Kraljevo dramatically slid into poverty. Local authorities
were replaced several times, and for the most of the time they were
dealing with disputes like is it really necessary to celebrate October
14 in the memorial park because that certainly smells like "dark past
of commie rule". When government has no respect for the dead, graves
over which our beloved city is placed, how they will respect us, us
who are half-live on the edge of existence. As Tanjug reports help is
coming from all sides, but still there is no effect. Something is
rotten in Kraljevo city. And it seems so. Specific smell of decay and
hipocrisy can be sensed in the air. Boris, Ivica and Mirko came, took
pictures and left. Their buddy Tijanic, acorrding to popular proverb
showed on TV images from Kraljevo. Soon after television
forgot Kraljevo and people from Kraljevo. As floods in western Serbia
are now "trendy", I see that earthquake issues are now "demode". My
dear citizens of Kraljevo, you're left on your own. That's reality
which has befallen city in which we were born. As neglect for Kraljevo
which was destroyed by earthquake become apparent, we decided to start
action "Balkan of solidarity, not Balkan of nationalism". Our idea, in
this soulless age of tranisition and mixture of cruel capitalism
which is built on feudalistic reasoning same as ubiquitous hatred and
nationalism on Balkans, is to show that there are still people on
Balkan whose minds arent contaminated with nightmarish events from
1990 onwards. It is the same people who didnt left hatred to
infiltrate their hearts in which tehre is place for all people from
this devastated area regardless of differences in religion, color or
national origin "
intesity not too common for this part of Balkans. Already economically
inferior and dependent, municipality of Kraljevo was pushed by
earthquake into even more tragic crisis with far-reaching
consequences. The complete lack of care of local authorities and
governing elite from Terazije for residents of this gentle
municipality in the heart of Republic of Serbia made it's citizens
very desperate. Was there anything in the past twenty years in
Kraljevo to commend? If we would look at history of this city,
history we've eyewitnessed, we would probably remember only a few
thing. On first thoughts we would remember defiance which this city
showed against regime of Slobodan Milosevic. Kraljevo was one of the
first cities in which opposition triumphed on the elections in
1996./1997., and after introducing lex specialis it was one of the
first cities where SPS (Socialist party of Serbia) lost power. Almost
entire city was breathing for change and Milosevic leaving power.
Revolt against was shown already in 1993. in the times when only few
dared to show their teeth. Twenty years later, power is in hands of
people for whom Kraljevo was for years in the streets on rain, snow
and wind. It was never questioned for whom and why months were spent
on squares and streets. After changes in 2000. due transition reforms,
citizens of Kraljevo dramatically slid into poverty. Local authorities
were replaced several times, and for the most of the time they were
dealing with disputes like is it really necessary to celebrate October
14 in the memorial park because that certainly smells like "dark past
of commie rule". When government has no respect for the dead, graves
over which our beloved city is placed, how they will respect us, us
who are half-live on the edge of existence. As Tanjug reports help is
coming from all sides, but still there is no effect. Something is
rotten in Kraljevo city. And it seems so. Specific smell of decay and
hipocrisy can be sensed in the air. Boris, Ivica and Mirko came, took
pictures and left. Their buddy Tijanic, acorrding to popular proverb
showed on TV images from Kraljevo. Soon after television
forgot Kraljevo and people from Kraljevo. As floods in western Serbia
are now "trendy", I see that earthquake issues are now "demode". My
dear citizens of Kraljevo, you're left on your own. That's reality
which has befallen city in which we were born. As neglect for Kraljevo
which was destroyed by earthquake become apparent, we decided to start
action "Balkan of solidarity, not Balkan of nationalism". Our idea, in
this soulless age of tranisition and mixture of cruel capitalism
which is built on feudalistic reasoning same as ubiquitous hatred and
nationalism on Balkans, is to show that there are still people on
Balkan whose minds arent contaminated with nightmarish events from
1990 onwards. It is the same people who didnt left hatred to
infiltrate their hearts in which tehre is place for all people from
this devastated area regardless of differences in religion, color or
national origin "
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